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Welcome back to day 21 of our Craft Room Organization Challenge.

Wow, we’re almost at it to the end of week 3 of our crazy little organization challenge. Thanks for sticking with me!

So we’ve gotten (or thinking about getting—let’s be honest here) storage for all the various supplies, tools, and stuff in our room. From big to little, simple to complicated. I personally have gotten a LOT of storage—everything from shelves and drawers to bins and boxes. At this point, I have probably increased the storage in my craft room by, oh, 500%. It’s a huge difference. Now, I didn’t have a lot to start with, so don’t feel bad if you haven’t gotten crazy like me.

But, I know we haven’t talked about everything we could store. In fact, there are two categories of items we haven’t touched upon and I currently am lacking storage for:

  • Large items
  • Finished projects

So let’s address those and I’ll share with you my ideas on how I can store those.

Challenge 21: Storage for Everything Else

I have some rather large items that belong in my craft room. Giant rolls of vinyl and paper that are not going to fit neatly in my normal vinyl and paper places, my DIY paper telescope from the eclipse this summer, my lightbox, my adhesive spray box, my giant paper flowers, and all of my finished papercrafting projects that haven’t been gifted. Right now, these things are just sort of “hanging out” on shelves and surfaces, or tucked into a corner. I feel like that’s not good enough, at least not for ALL of it. My lightbox is just going to need to sit on the side somewhere until I build something better, but what to do about everything else?

Then I remembered — I built in some “hidden” storage to my craft room that I can totally utilize for some of these large and bulk items. I put legs on the bottom of all of my craft room furniture, meaning I have tons of space underneath! Also, my big craft room table has a lot of hidden space behind its doors, too! So I will put my big rolls of paper and vinyl, as well as my telescope, under some of my craft furniture. And my adhesive spray box will go under my table.

But what to do about finished projects? It’s no fun not to display them! The flowers could stay on shelves, or I could mount them on walls. And I have a great idea for my cards and other small, flat projects—a tension wire on my wall to which I can clip my creations!! Here’s a picture of what I mean:

This is an IKEA Dignitet curtain wire, and you can buy clips at IKEA just like this, too! If you don’t have an IKEA nearby, you can check your local home improvement store (like Lowes) for shower curtain cable. I bought one at IKEA and I’m going to use it on part of a wall to display projects. If you wanted to use this just to store, rather than display, you could put your projects in clear plastic bags and then clip them to the wire.

I can’t think of anything else I need to store, but what about YOU? What do you have that you can’t find a place to store?

Day 21 Assignment: Determine if you need ANY other storage for ANY other items in your craft space. If you have an unusual item that you aren’t sure how to store, come over to our Facebook group and ask us—we might have an idea for you!

Until tomorrow,