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Welcome back to day 26 of our Craft Room Organization Challenge.

We are continuing to put stuff back into our craft spaces this week. As you put things away, I want you to think carefully about your WORKFLOW.

Challenge 26: Workflow

Go to your craft space and sit down at the spot you’ll spend most of your time. Now think about what you do the most in your craft room—what craft or activity are you spending the bulk of your time on? Ok, with that mind, are the tools and supplies you need for that craft within arm’s reach? Or do you have to get up to get them? This is not a matter of being lazy—it’s a matter of efficiency! If those things are not easy to get to from your “command spot,” move them around now.

If you’re like me, you have multiple work places in your craft space. I have the area with my Cricut Maker and I have another area with my lightbox. So with my workflow in mind, I’ve put my paper tower right next to my Cricut Maker. And the drawer right below the Maker is for my mats and Cricut tools. My lightbox, on the other hand, has storage below it for all the mats and boards I use in it, as well as my glue gun and glue since that’s where I always hot glue things.

Day 26 Assignment: Think carefully about where in your craft space you will perform specific tasks and, if necessary, reorganize your supplies and tools for maximum efficiency!

Until tomorrow,