Make picture puzzles on a Cricut with these free templates, including a hidden message puzzle #cricut #puzzle #svgcutfile #diygifts

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Learn how easy it is to make custom picture puzzles on a Cricut! I’ll even show you how to make one with a hidden message that is only revealed after the puzzle is put together.

Have you ever received a puzzle with a picture of something really meaningful to you? I mean, usually it’s just kittens and castles and hearts, right? But imagine giving or receiving a puzzle that turns into a beautiful family photo when you’re done? Or how about one with a secret hidden message? You can do all this when you make picture puzzles on a Cricut!

July 2023 Update: I’ve added sublimation designs you can use, too, like this llama and hummingbird!

Colorful picture puzzles featuring a llama and hummingbird.

Want to save this project? Enter your email below and we’ll send the project straight to your inbox.

Much love to the readers who requested I made a puzzle or just something with chipboard (Jasmine H., Megan T., Misty M., Melissa C., Catalina, Deb, Kacie R., Jan A., Melony T., and JJ). Each person who contributed this project idea will receive an extra entry for your idea (I am keeping track on this on my end). And don’t forget, you can suggest project ideas for this Challenge here and receive entries to win one of our awesome prizes, including a Cricut Maker!

Make picture puzzles on a Cricut with these free templates, including a hidden message puzzle #cricut #puzzle #svgcutfile #diygifts

Key concepts taught in the video tutorial include how to Slice, how to Align, how to Print Then Cut, how to cut Kraft board and chipboard (with the deep-cut blade and knife blade).

See exactly how to make picture puzzles on Cricut in this step-by-step video below:

July 2023 Update: The free download now includes sublimation designs, too! I used an AI art generator to create these designs featuring wild animals and bright flowers. I hope you love them as much as I do!

There’s a sloth cuddling tropical flowers.

Colorful picture puzzle featuring a sloth.

And a giraffe with a bird friend, or a purple hedgehog!

Colorful picture puzzles featuring a giraffe and hedgehog.

A tiger hiding in the jungle, or tropical fish with coral.

Colorful picture puzzles featuring a tiger and tropical fish.

An elephant emerging from the jungle, and a parrot perched in the sun!

Colorful picture puzzles featuring an elephant and parrot.

If you want to make the sublimation picture puzzles, just follow my basic sublimation design prep tutorial and print them to match your blank. I used 7.5″ x 5″ sublimation picture puzzle blanks. Make sure you have all the materials and tools from the tutorial before you begin!

Now let me show you how to make custom picture puzzles on the Cricut! This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission but it won’t cost you a penny more)! Read my full disclosure policy.

Materials to Make Picture Puzzles

NOTE: Some readers are reporting cutting issues when they use the Cricut brand of printable sticker paper. Just FYI.

Get the free DIY picture puzzle tutorial, pattern and SVG in the free JenniferMaker Library

How to Make Picture Puzzles on the Cricut

To get started, download my puzzle templates and designs (Design #122) from my free resource library (you can get a password for it at the bottom of this page). If you’re going to cut the puzzles out on your cutting machine, upload the file to your design software. If you’re not sure how to upload an SVG cut file to Cricut Design Space, watch this helpful video training series I made. If you’re on an iPhone or iPad, here’s how to download and upload SVG files to the Cricut Design Space app.

Check back later for more instructions and photos, or watch the video linked above!

Get my free PNGs for sublimation and SVG cut files and patterns for the Picture Puzzles!

If you make a picture puzzle on a Cricut, please share a photo in our Facebook group, email it to me at [email protected], or tag me on social media with #makershowandtell.

See all of the projects, tutorials and free designs in The Great Maker Show and Tell Challenge! There is one for each day of the 25 Days of Christmas! This is my gift to you for the tremendous support, enthusiasm, and love you’ve shown to me and my little blog over the past two years. To “open” a gift, hover over the day’s image and click the download icon.

[ess_grid alias=”25days2″]


Want to remember this? Save the Cricut Puzzle Tutorial to Your Favorite DIY Pinterest Board!

Make personalized picture puzzles on a Cricut with these free templates, including a hidden message puzzle #cricut #puzzle #svgcutfile #diygiftsPinterest link for How to  Sublimate a Picture Puzzle from JenniferMaker.

Learn how you can make personalized picture puzzles with your Cricut! I have included six free puzzle templates, including a special "hidden message" puzzle! #cricut #cricutmade #cricutmaker #cricutexplore #svg #svgfile

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  1. I’m loving your Show & Tell Challenge! I know I’m going to refer back to this tutorials often! Thank you for all your work and creativity in making these!

  2. I love this! Thank you so much Jennifer! So excited to try this out! I’ve been ordering puzzles of our family pictures from I can do this myself! Thanks for showing me how!!! You are awesome!

  3. Thank you so much for the tutorial! Do you happen to have a 5×5 puzzle template? I want to make some for my students and send them to their house during this pandemic.

    1. Hi Julie, you’re welcome! We don’t have a square puzzle template; however, you may want to search Cricut Access or do a Google search for puzzle templates. I hope you find one that works!

  4. I tried several times to get the SVG files for the puzzles and it just keeps taking me to the subscribe part. I have subscribed and no where does it let me get the files. Can you help please.

    1. You should see a file that ends with .svg at the end of the file name. That file is the one you’ll want to upload.

  5. Thank you for this tutorial! Can I do this with light chip board and either the fine point blade or knife blade on the maker? I printed and was ready to cut only to realize I don’t have the deep cut blade (face palm!)

    1. You can cut chipboard with the deep cut blade. It will be trial and error to see what chipboard will work best!

  6. Hi Jennifer,

    Have you heard of issues with printing?? I keep getting lines across the paper when I print. If I print on regular paper there are no lines. I am using The Paper Studio sticker paper.

    1. Hi Christina! We aren’t aware of any problems currently with printing. We do not have experience with that particular sticker paper.

        1. Hi Tia! Since this is to apply a print then cut image onto, the size it imports is the largest you can cut it. If you don’t need a print then cut image applied to the front, just resize it up to 11.5″x11.5″.

  7. Hi Jennifer can I make these projects with the ScanNcut I would love to download the svg file for the puzzle image how can I get the password

    1. Hi! As long as your design software accepts SVG or DXF files, you are welcome to any of the designs in my library.

    1. Hello Diane! You can get the free design files by going to our Resource Library! If you haven’t visited before, you will need a password, which you can get at the bottom of this page. Once you are in the library, you will look for Design #122, which contains all of the files for the puzzle! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I really love how you were able to make custom shapes! Can you help me with how you did that? I want to make a car puzzle for my son’s birthday with a few hidden car pieces I would really appreciate it!

    1. Are you a member of our Facebook group, Kathryn? They are a group of experienced crafters who love to help others with their projects and they would be able to help you personalize the puzzles for your son! You can find them at Cricut Crafters and Makers! ๐Ÿ˜

  9. I LOVE this! It has definitely inspired me! With the Maker 3 coming out I would love to be able to make longer (up to 4′!) puzzles as well. Would the existing template work for this?

    1. You would need to change the sizing of the SVG to fit whatever dimensions you wanted, Heather, but it sure would! ๐Ÿ˜„

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