Put your Cricut to work for you writing and cutting your gift tags! This tutorial walks you through the entire gift tag making process, including free gift tag templates and a free penwriting font!
Key concepts taught in the video tutorial include how to select fonts, how to attach, how to move elements on the mat preview, how to assemble gift tags, and how to make your own handwriting font.
See exactly how to make gift tags on your Cricut in this step-by-step video below:

It’s time to put your Cricut to work making gift tags! This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission but it won’t cost you a penny more)! Read my full disclosure policy.
Materials for Cricut Gift Tags
- Pretty 85 lb. cardstock and/or foil posterboard
- A pen that fits in your Cricut
- A way to cut your paper (I used the amazing Cricut)
- Design #128 – My free SVG/DXF/PDF cut files/patterns (available in my free resource library—get the password at the bottom of this post)
- (Optional) The font I used in the tutorial is called Maker Penwriting (Design #129) and you can get it from my free resource library also
How to Write & Cut Cricut Gift Tags
First, if you’re unfamiliar with using a pen in your Cricut, read my complete Cricut Pens Guide. It’ll help you SO much!
You can download my gift tag designs (Design #128) and my Maker Penwriting font (Design #129) from my free resource library (you can get a password for it by signing up at the bottom of this page). If you’re going to cut these tags on your cutting machine, upload the file to your design software. If you’re not sure how to upload an SVG cut file to Cricut Design Space, watch this helpful video training series I made. If you’re on an iPhone or iPad, here’s how to download and upload SVG files to the Cricut Design Space app.
Note that you’ll need to install my Maker Penwriting font on your computer and THEN open (or reload) Cricut Design Space in order to use it.
If you’d rather use another free font that looks like handwriting, here are some free handwriting fonts that I think look decent:
Get my free SVG cut files and my Penwriting Font for the Cricut Gift Tags
If you use my glass block designs, please share a photo in our Facebook group, email it to me at [email protected], or tag me on social media with #makershowandtell.
See all of the projects, tutorials and free designs in The Great Maker Show and Tell Challenge! There is one for each day of the 25 Days of Christmas! This is my gift to you for the tremendous support, enthusiasm, and love you’ve shown to me and my little blog over the past two years. To “open” a gift, hover over the day’s image and click the download icon.
[ess_grid alias=”25days2″]
What a great tutorial! Love them all. You said to reply and you could tell me how to load fonts from the internet to Cricut Design Space….please please! Thanks in advance!
Shirley, check out this blog post! https://jennifermaker.com/how-to-upload-fonts-to-cricut/