How to Make Giant Paper Flowers Fast and Easy | Free Pattern and SVG Cut File + Tutorail | #paperflowers #papercrafts #cricut #silhouette

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Do you want a gorgeous, jaw-dropping look without spending a lot? Decorate with paper flowers! I can teach you how to make giant paper flowers that will brighten up any room or event. They are perfect for craft room walls, nurseries, little kids rooms, and photo backdrops at weddings and parties.

I adore flowers of all kinds. They are so bright and cheerful, and they look good with ANYTHING. But I live in the frozen tundra of Michigan where we don’t get real flowers growing for at least six months out of every year. So what’s a girl to do? Make flowers! More specifically, I make giant paper flowers!

Last June I made a giant paper flower — a spellbound rose — and I shared it here on the blog. It’s become one of your favorite all-time tutorials.

How to Make Giant Paper Flowers Fast and Easy | Free Pattern and SVG Cut File + Tutorail | #paperflowers #papercrafts #cricut #silhouette

I then showed you how to make three more giant paper flowers: a sunflower, a peony, and a hellebore (winter rose).

These DIY giant paper flowers are exquisite, but not always the easiest or fastest projects to make. The peony in particular is quite intricate!

So I’ve been thinking … I need to design a simple yet dramatic paper flower that you can make quickly. A design that is easy enough to make dozens of to decorate a wall or hang on a backdrop. You can make a giant paper flower about 10″ wide in just 15 minutes. Want it bigger? No problem — just cut eight more petals a little larger (one to a sheet of paper) and you can make a 14-16″ paper flower with just a few more minutes of effort.

We used these easy giant paper flowers to make this stunning paper flower backdrop:

Crafter showing the completed paper flower backdrop in pinks and greens, large enough for group photos.

After much trial and testing, I present my easy giant paper flower pattern and tutorial! Unlike my other giant paper flowers, this pattern is not any specific type of flower, but just a pretty, cheerful blossom to brighten your room!
Get the free SVG cut file for this project

Reader Sandy McFarland made these beauties from my pattern — she says, “Easy is an understatement! I upsized these to use 12×12 sheets and cut with a Silhouette.”

Easy giant paper flowers made by Sandy McFarland and designed by JenniferMaker -- click to get the tutorial and free files!

And these pretty in pink flowers were made by reader Sue Zakar for her granddaughter. She made the stems from 16″ bamboo skewers covered in green duct tape and added some leaves and a stamen. Aren’t they cute?

How to Make Giant Paper Flowers Fast and Easy | Free Pattern and SVG Cut File + Tutorail | #paperflowers #papercrafts #cricut #silhouette

So without further ado, let me show you how to make giant paper flowers! This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission but it won’t cost you a penny more)! Read my full disclosure policy.

Materials Needed to Make the Giant Paper Flowers

How to Make Giant Paper Flowers

First, download Design #93 which is the pattern or cut file for this easy paper flower from my free resource library. It’s available as both a PDF (for hand cutting) and an SVG/DXF (for machine cutting).  If you’re going to cut it out on your cutting machine, upload the file to your design software. If you’re not sure how to upload an SVG cut file to Cricut Design Space, watch this helpful video training series I made.

Tip: I also re-created this flower inside Cricut Design Space so there’s nothing to upload — get the free project link in my library, too!

Here is my giant paper flower design file uploaded to Cricut Design Space. Don’t worry about how they look here — all the petals are in there. They will all cut out properly when you click the Make It button.

Tip: If you’re not sure how to upload an SVG cut file to Cricut Design Space, watch this helpful video training series I made. If you’re on an iPhone or iPad, here’s how to download and upload SVG files to the Cricut Design Space app.

Pink flower petal template in Cricut Design Space

Cut out your flower petals from your cardstock. Use scissors and the PDF pattern…

Pink paper and scissors, ready to cut and make giant paper flowers

Or use a cutting machine and the SVG cut file (this is the fastest way, I think!)

Here are all the pieces cut out and ready to go.

Cut petals, hot glue gun, and a marker to make giant paper flowers

Begin with the largest four-petal group and place a line of glue along the base of the petal that is connected to the square in the middle, just as shown below.

Glue the bottom edges of each petal to make giant paper flowers

Move the paper on the opposite side (the side that doesn’t have glue) so it’s on top of the glued side. Do this for all four petals. This will give your petals a cup shape and helps give your giant paper flower a three-dimensional look.

A cupped petal group in pink to make giant paper flowers

Repeat for the other two groups of four-petal pieces.curl the edges of each one in or out as you wish. Use the dowel, a pen, or something long and cylindrical to curl the edges. In my example, I curled the large petals outward and the smaller petals inward.

Curl over the edges on the petals to make giant paper flowers

Repeat for the other two groups of four-petal pieces.

Now glue all of these petal groups together, largest to smallest, taking care to offset the petals and fill in the gaps with each layer.

Glue all three petal groups together to make the giant paper flowers

The three layers of four-petal groups of the giant paper flower

Now you need to take the four individual petals and glue, cup, and curl them.

Place a line of glue alongside the slit of the petal

A pink petal cupped

Glue each petal into the center of your flower, overlapping and rotating each one 90° as you go. Take care not to let any glue show.

Gluing in the four small petals to the center of the giant paper flower

The finished bud of the giant paper flower

You could stop here, but this flower looks a little small and not quite full enough. Plus we have eight more large petals still!

Take a large petal and  place a thin line of hot glue along the cut line at the base .

Placing a thin line of glue alongside the cut at the base of the petal

Move the paper on the opposite side (the side that doesn’t have glue) so it’s on top of the glued side.

Cupping the large pink paper petal

Curl the edge of the large petal outward.

Put glue at the very base of the petal.

Glue at the base of the petal to make giant paper flowers

Take your assembled flower, turn it over so you can see the base, and begin attaching the petals to the bottom.

Glueing large petals to the bottom of the giant paper flower

Continuing gluing the large petals in place at 90º — make sure your petals fill in spots in between the petals already in place. 

Here is a pink 10″ giant paper flower made with just seven sheets of paper!

A finished giant paper flower in pink!

If you want it larger, cut out eight more of the largest petal, but make them about 20-30%% larger — you’ll only be able to fit one to a sheet of cardstock. Glue, cup, and curl them just as shown above. Glue them to the base of your flower to create a larger paper flower!

Get my free pattern and cut files to Make Giant Paper Flowers

If you make these giant paper flowers, please share a photo in my amazing Cricut Facebook group or tag me on social media with #jennifermaker.

Want to remember this? Save the Giant Paper Flowers to your favorite Pinterest board!

How to Make Giant Paper Flowers Fast and Easy | Free Pattern and SVG Cut File + Tutorail | #paperflowers #papercrafts #cricut #silhouette

Learn how to make giant paper flowers with this step by step tutorial and free cut files. #cricut #cricutmade #cricutmaker #cricutexplore #svg #svgfile

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  1. Thank you very much for this information on the flower. I have added a middle part on mine.

  2. Love these. I have made several of the large paper flowers today. I can successfully do paper products, really struggling with vinyl but I wil get there. Is there a way to make these roses at a smaller size just so I can use them to fill in on my wall decoration I am doing with the large flower arrangements? Thank you so much for sharing these with such amazing step by step directions.

    1. We are always happy to help, Marlene! You can usually find those instructions in blog post itself, just as a hint. 😉 Go to our free Resource Library and search for Design #93, which contains all of the files for this great paper flower!! 🙂

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