Make a Vintage Red Truck from paper with this free pattern! #Cricut #cricutmade #papercraft #christmas #svgcutfile

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Make a fun vintage red truck using cardstock and glue! Put some LED lights in it, load it up with a paper Christmas tree, and you’re good to go.

You can’t go into a store these days without seeing depictions of cute vintage red trucks hauling Christmas trees. A week or so ago, my guy Greg commented that he had an idea for a way to make one from paper, and offered to make it for us! And today he finished his design and I’m delighted to share it with you!
Greg’s vintage red truck is based on ’30s and ’40s vintage truck popular in Germany. He carefully modeled it after the real one and I think it looks pretty amazing! After we assembled his truck, we got the idea to add LED lights to the cab and store the battery pack in the truck bed — it worked perfectly!
This cute little vintage red truck would look great as holiday decor, but you could also use it as a sort of gift box because the truck bed has some carrying capacity!

Thank you to the readers and viewers who requested I make a 3D Christmas papercraft (Candy B., Joanne, Jessica R., and Betty O.). Each person who contributed this project idea will receive an extra entry for your idea (I am keeping track on this on my end). And don’t forget, you can suggest project ideas for this Challenge here and receive entries to win one of our awesome prizes, including a Cricut Maker!

Key concepts taught in the video tutorial include how to set score lines, attach score layers to cut layers, and how to glue 3D projects.

See exactly how to cut and assemble a vintage red truck with paper in this step-by-step video below:

Let me show you how to make a vintage red truck! This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission but it won’t cost you a penny more)! Read my full disclosure policy.

Materials to Make a Vintage Red Truck from Paper

How to Make a Vintage Red Truck from Paper

First, you need our truck design (Design #124)! You can download it from my free resource library (you can get a password for it at the bottom of this page). If you’re going to cut the vintage red truck out on your cutting machine, upload the file to your design software. If you’re not sure how to upload an SVG cut file to Cricut Design Space, watch this helpful video training series I made. If you’re on an iPhone or iPad, here’s how to download and upload SVG files to the Cricut Design Space app.

Important Note: There are three layers that need to be set to Score in Cricut Design Space and then attached to their respective base layers.  The video explains exactly how do to do this. If you’re new to scoring, check out my Cricut Scoring Tools and Tips.

The vintage red truck file uploaded to Cricut Design Space to show the score and attach layers

For complete assembly instructions, watch the video linked above!

Get my free SVG cut files and patterns for the  Vintage Red Truck design

If you make one of these vintage red trucks from paper, please share a photo in our Facebook group, email it to me at [email protected], or tag me on social media with #makershowandtell.

See all of the projects, tutorials and free designs in The Great Maker Show and Tell Challenge! There is one for each day of the 25 Days of Christmas! This is my gift to you for the tremendous support, enthusiasm, and love you’ve shown to me and my little blog over the past two years. To “open” a gift, hover over the day’s image and click the download icon.

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Make a Vintage Red Truck from paper with this free pattern! #Cricut #cricutmade #papercraft #christmas #svgcutfile

Want to remember this? Save the Wood Letter Tutorial to Your Favorite DIY Pinterest Board!

Make a Vintage Red Truck from paper with this free pattern! #Cricut #cricutmade #papercraft #christmas #svgcutfile

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  1. I just now got around to watching this awesome video. Thank you so much for making this for us. I love the little red truck. I am gonna try and make this for my grandson.

  2. OK every time I load this file in my cutter and go to make it, or score it, it literally cutes all the way across on the truck bed part. Looking at the video and you putting this together it looks like it is only supposed to cut to the very edge and then stop to be able to make the “box” part of the bed of the truck. I cannot figure out how to get it to stop doing this. I have tried to move the score lines out/off, I have tried to do the same with the cut lines thinking maybe they just needed to be moved over a little bit, thats not really working either. I dont know why, but it seems like the lines move offset just a little or something, between the download and then the upload of the file.

    1. Hi Caryn! You will want to make sure your score layer is set to score and attached to the appropriate layer on the truck, this is usually the biggest issue.

      1. Hello Jennifer, I am having the same issue,, When the SVG downloaded and I uploaded to design space everything was a cut file. the option for it to score was not there, it cut everything . now I am fairly new and I have the new maker, so if there is a way I have not found it . please help I am trying to convert to a valentines truck

        1. Oh no! Did you make sure your score layer is set to score and attached to the appropriate layer on the truck, this is usually the biggest issue?

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