DreamBox Review by Jennifer Maker and Greg

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Thinking about getting a DreamBox by the Original Scrapbox Company to organize your craft tools and supplies? Here is our Dreambox review and tips for anyone who wants to get one to organize their crafts!

Two years ago I turned my old family room into the ultimate organized craft room. Funds were a bit tight back when I started on that craft room, so we did it inexpensively using mostly IKEA furniture. But last year, we could afford to buy one of the amazing Original ScrapBox craft organization units during the fantastic Black Friday sale they have. We wanted to turn an old (and small) bedroom into a new and improved office with an amazing crafting area. As this room is used for things besides crafting and it was not very large, we need something really space-efficient — the Dreambox was PERFECT for our needs! Now that we’ve lived with it for more than a year, we want to give you OUR Dreambox review so you can decide if it is right for you, too!

Want to save some money? Save on a DreamBox with my discount + free gift!

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UPDATE: I got myself ANOTHER DreamBox during last year’s Black Friday Sale, and this one will be for my brand new studio! I’m so excited! It’s now all set up — here’s a video of it:

And here is what my DreamBox looked like when it was delivered, pre-built!

Jennifer with her DreamBox in its shipping crate!

If you’ve been thinking of getting one of these beauties or an accessory, this is the time to do it. Last year we ordered a DreamBox in Chocolate (like the one pictured above) during their Black Friday and we LOVE it! AND I’m ordering another one this year — a White Shaker DreamBox with all the bells and whistles, including a Dream Cart and a Sew Station, for my new studio. So excited!

But if you’re not really sure what it is, or need more information before you decide, keep reading!

What is a DreamBox?

The Original ScrapBox is a nifty all-in-one craft storage unit with swing-out doors that allows you to put away your crafts when you’re not using them. The Original ScrapBox came out in 2005 and has had many different variations, but now their main unit is called the DreamBox. The really cool thing about the DreamBox is that all closed up it looks like an armoire, so they’re perfect for use in living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms. Here’s the DreamBox closed:

A DreamBox craft organization armoire closed

And here’s the DreamBox open:

A DreamBox craft organization armoire open with the table extended

See? This thing is amazing! And you can store SO MUCH in it — it has 85,000 cubic inches of storage. It holds a LOT more than you might think — it’s very space efficient. And it includes up to 80 of those clear totes so you can see all of your craft supplies. There’s also an integrated table, so it’s not just craft storage, it’s craft workspace, too. The table can be easily adjusted to either sitting or standing height, as well.

So you can see why we were so intrigued by this and thought it would be perfect in our small bedroom. So we waited until Black Friday last year and bought it! Now it’s talk about our experience with the actual Dream Box itself, not just what you read on the web site.

About Our DreamBox

We purchased our DreamBox in November 2018 during the annual Black Friday sale. We ordered the Chocolate Knotty Alder finish with the Crown. It wasn’t inexpensive — we paid for three grand for it — but that saying that you “get what you pay for” holds very true here. Our entire experience from start to finish to now was excellent! While we waiting for our order to arrive, we got the room cleaned — here’s our blank slate. As you can see, this is a pretty small room — about 12 feet x 10 feet. This wall next to the door is just over 9 feet wide, which means it just manages to accommodate the DreamBox which is 9 feet wide when fully opened. Keep in mind, this wall was not blank like this when we ordered — we had to clear the space for it. A lot of people say “oh, I don’t have the space for it” but what they really mean is, “I would have to clear a space for it” because you can always make space for what’s important to you.

Our bedroom ready for the Dreambox

Our DreamBox arrived on December 10, a couple weeks after we ordered it in this big sturdy crate (we opted to have it sent unassembled, but you can pay extra to have it shipped assembled, too).

Greg sitting on a DreamBox shipping crate on the day it arrived

Our first step was to open up the crate and take out each box, because it is filled with boxes. I recommend you put the boxes in order so you can see and find each box efficiently. Then you’ll want to locate the box with the instructions and parts and set out everything on a surface, all organized, so you can find it easily, like this:

Greg inspecting the DreamBox parts and instructions on a table in his room

Here’s how I recommend you organize your DreamBox parts and instructions:

The DreamBox instructions and parts organized on a table for easy access

Give yourself plenty of time to assemble this. Greg did it in one day, but I recommend you budget two days. If you’re not handy with tools, or just aren’t into assembling furniture, ask or hire someone to help — or better yet, pay extra for the assembled version! I might do that with my next DreamBox so I can evaluate that option for you.

Assembly the Chocolate Knotty Alder DreamBox in our small bedroom

Tip: Clear plenty of space in the room you’ll be assembly the DreamBox so you have room to work. We moved out everything but a desk in the corner and a table to put the parts and instructions on, and that worked really well!

Assembly the chocolate DreamBox piece by piece

It came together really nicely!

Greg installing the crown on the Chocolate DreamBox

Putting the table into the DreamBox

So that’s what it looked like a year ago when it was first setup. How does it look now? Let’s take a look…

Greg with this DreamBox craft organization unit

DreamBox side door filled with craft supplies and an IKEA pegboard

DreamBox side door filled with craft supplies and an IKEA pegboard

As you can see, this is a pretty manly version of a DreamBox. No cute pastels and happy bright colors here! He uses it to store his miniature paints and 3D printing supplies mostly. AND, best of all, you can see that even after a year, he still has plenty of room to grow. (And he’s got a lot of stuff, don’t let empty bins fool you into thinking otherwise.)

DreamBox: The Good and Bad

First, the bad…

  • It’s a lot of parts to put together. That said, nothing was missing!
  • It’s pricey.
  • It’s deep when closed. For that reason, Greg keeps it open most of the time.

And what we think is great…

  • It holds a LOT of stuff, especially the small stuff. You will be amazed.
  • Customer service is great. If you have an issue, they will help you!
  • It’s kinda amazing. Everyone who sees it is fascinated.
  • It’s really well made and solid.

Tips for Ordering a DreamBox

The Original ScrapBox now has a fun interactive builder on their web site so you can see exactly what your DreamBox will look like in various colors and with accessories! Go on, try it out!

They have great sales a few times a year, and I highly recommend you wait for one because they can be huge money savers.

Get the assembly option if you just don’t have the time, skills, or strength to do it yourself.

Jennifer and Greg with their DreamBox setup

Would We Buy a DreamBox Again?

Yes, and we did … we got one just for MY studio! Check out the video of it!

I hope this helps! If you have ANY questions, just email me at [email protected].



DreamBox Review by Jennifer Maker and Greg

Want to remember this? Save the DreamBox Review to Your Favorite DIY Pinterest Board!

DreamBox Review | Craft Room Organization #craftroom #organization #storage

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  1. I ordered the scrapbox and sewing box three years ago and have been using them ever since. Yes, they are expensive and I had to save in order to afford it. I have no regrets!

  2. My husband recently purchased the Dreambox for my retirement it was around Mother’s Day so the light was an added $400 CAD bonus. It is an awesome cabinet I can now find items instead of going through Rubbermaid bins giving up and buying more only to find things later. Unfortunately on the Canadian site there is not the option for a prebuilt cabinet, it took a while for him to put it together the instructions were in each bundle and easy to follow. My craft room ( 9 X11 feet) doubles as a spare room with a futon for when the grandkids stay over so being able to close it all away priceless.

  3. I too have the dream box with the light. I received my when black Friday sale was going on. great deals. I love my box. I wasn’t that much a crafter until I got the box I just had a lot of stuff. now I am busy as a bee…..

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