Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

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Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute | JenuineMom.comMake a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Every Halloween I scramble for a suitable candy bowl hours before trick-or-treaters arrive. All of my decent size bowls are heavy ceramic or glass, which is the last thing I want to be holding out for candy all night. So this year, I gave it some advance thought. What happens if I can’t find a good bowl again and get stuck using that old plastic Mickey Mouse bowl that is definitely NOT Halloweeny? Aha! I can decorate an old plastic bowl at the last minute. Thus, the mummy Halloween candy bowl was born. And I bet there are others out there who are looking for a way to dress up some old bowl for Halloween. This is YOUR tutorial! And the best part is that it uses things you probably already have in your house right now.

Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl Materials & Tools

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |
  • Old plastic bowl (or one from the dollar store, like I did)
  • Toilet paper
  • Two old toilet paper cardboard tubes (or one papertowel cardboard tube)
  • Felt or construction paper
  • Craft Glue (suitable for paper and plastic — I used Elmer’s Craft Bond)
  • Scissors

Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl Step-By-Step

Step 1: Cut each end your cardboard tubes at an angle, as shown in the photo below.

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Step 2: Stuff the cardboard tubes with a bunch of toilet paper. Leave some toilet paper sticking out on the uncut end.

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Step 3: Tear off a long length of toilet paper, fold it in half lengthwise, and begin wrapping your stuffed tubes. I started on the end with the toilet paper sticking out and worked my way down the tube. Do this for both tubes, then set aside.

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Step 4. Apply glue to the outside of your bowl. (Tip: If this is a bowl you want to reuse later, you could just use something sticky, like honey, which will wash off with hot water later.)

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Step 5: Tear off a long length of toilet paper, fold it in half lengthwise, and begin wrapping it around the outside of the bowl. It works best if you start at the top and work your way down. I like to fold as I go.

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Step 6. Take your two wrapped cardboard tubes (“mummy arms”) and turn over the ends of the diagonal cut to form a surface for gluing (like shown below).

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Step 7. On your wrapped bowl, locate the two spots where you’ll put your “mummy arms.” Closer together is cuter (think mummy walking with its arms out straight). At those two points, cut away the wrapped and glued toilet paper with a pair of scissors to reveal the plastic underneath. You want to cut a hole just big enough for the folded end of the arm you made in step 6.

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Step 8. Glue the arms to the bowl. You may need to touch up the “wraps” around the arms with small bits of toilet paper and glue. This was the hardest part of the project — really press the arms to the bowl and hold them there for a while to set them in place securely.

Step 9: Cut out eyes from your felt or construction paper and glue on the bowl.

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Voila, you have a super cute mummy Halloween candy bowl! It’s a JenuineMummy. Get it? Har har.

Make a Cute Mummy Halloween Candy Bowl at the Last Minute |

Keep in mind that your candy bowl is only made out of toilet paper, so it isn’t the longest lasting solution and it’s not likely to last more than a night or two of handling. If you want to make one that lasts year after year, try using gauze instead of toilet paper.

Happy Halloween!

Learn how to make this cute mummy Halloween candy bowl with supplies you already have at home! This bowl is quick and easy to assemble.   #diy #tutorial #craftprojects #Halloween

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